Stop, Collaborate, and Listen…

I saw a kid bicycle into a fence today*.  How’s that for a lede?  Welcome to the second post, but first introductory post to this little blog experiment of mine.  I am under no false pretenses that my opinion is wanted, or needed, in the gumbo known as the internet, but as long as I am enjoying myself and a few of you all are reading, what is the harm?  At the very least I figure this gives me some very rudimentary website and e-commerce experience as well as something to talk about when we are all required to give a report to the class on how we spent our COVID vacation.

So, what is this blog going to be about, I hear you asking.  I would imagine it will be a lot of pictures of vinyl records and the brown drink, but I do not want to limit myself.  It will be a lot of randomness, and not all of it will be about music.  I may decide to power rank the ninja turtles – Leonardo is always last.   So, kind of like Facebook but maybe a little less annoying. 

In the spirt of said randomness, and to give you all full disclosure as to what you may or may not be signing up for, here is a bulleted list of some of my cringe-worthy musical opinions/decisions

  • I dubbed (how’s that for a “back in my day I’m old” moment) Vanilla Ice’s album “To the Extreme” in 4th grade off my friend Chris and played it over and over.  It was my favorite tape/album for at least a year.  His cameo in Teenage Mutant Nina Turtles 2: Secret of the Ooze made the movie. 
  • The first two CD’s I purchased (at the Target in Lubbock “back in my day I’m old” moment number 2) were: Soul 4 Real “Candy Rain” and Tracy Lawrence “I See it Now.”
  • In high school I honestly thought Creed would end up being the biggest rock band in the history of rock.  “My Own Prison” was nothing but hits. This changed as high school went on, with Limp Bizkit taking that title. Three Dollar Bill, Y’all. <cringe-y chef’s kiss>.
  • Going back to point one, the first concert I attended in college was Vanilla Ice.  Who at that point decided he was going to switch genres and try his hand at rock?  We were just there for “Ice Ice Baby”. 
  • South Park the Movie does not get near enough love for being a musical. I remember those songs like you do Hamilton.
  • I un-ironically bought a VHS tape (“back in my day I’m old” moment III) of Insane Clown Posse’s Big Money Hustla$. 

That is just what pops into my head at the moment, but I promise you there are many others. If you are so inclined, drop a comment about your cringe-worthy musical decision/opinions. While I like to think my tastes have evolved, I’ll always have a soft spot for the unpopular… even if it induces cringe later in life. My promise to you all is that there will be zero pretentiousness here.  In music or alcohol opinion.  Sometimes, bad is good.

So in closing, I don’t know where this blog will lead or how long it will last before I get bored with it, but life is about the journey not the destination right? Still working my way through this so bare with me if things on the site change, and if you want something added please feel free to reach out.  Sit back, grab a drink or two, and enjoy the ride with me.    

*The kid was about 8 – 9 riding with his mom.  He was on the sidewalk while his mom was in the bike path.  He didn’t get hurt, but after getting his bike back onto the sidewalk, he stopped slammed his bike onto the ground and started running up the city block.  While his mom followed along. I was far enough behind them to where I could laugh without guilt. It was funny.  By the time I passed them they had walked back to the bike and it was clear the kid was not living his best life.   It wasn’t the best story, but I owed it to the few of you that made it this far to give closure.  

5 thoughts on “Stop, Collaborate, and Listen…

  1. The first CD I bought was Ace of Base. I wish I still had it.
    Unsurprisingly my first concert was NSYNC. Second concert was Pennywise. So, similar

  2. My first cd’s were
    Def Leppard hysteria &
    Debbie Gibson electric youth
    I feel sorry for my poor dad having to purchase them:). Excited about your new blog!

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